Aditivo para limpeza de injectores MicroFlex

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Aditivo para limpeza de injectores MicroFlex
Aditivo para limpeza de injectores MicroFlex
Aditivo para limpeza de injectores MicroFlex

TUNAP microflex® 983 Substância Ativa Sistema Diesel

Substância ativa Multiflex para todas as misturas diesel e bio-diesel, B5 a B100.

Proporciona operação sem falhas em todos os motores com sistema common rail ou injector bomba.

Impede aglutinações e sedimentações.

Limpa adequadamente e tem um comportamento ideal na combustão.

Faz os níveis de consumo e emissão de CO2 retornarem aos patamares de um carro novo.

Especialmente indicado para motores TDI 170cv.

Utilizar uma embalagem directamente no deposito de combustivel e atestar, recomenda-se a utilização a cada 30 ou 60 mil kms.


Tunap 983 - System ingredient Diesel: A modern Multiflex concentrate ingredient for all
diesel and bio-diesel mixtures from B5 to B100 with a highly active cleaning ingredient,
based on ROA-technology.
• Strong injection system cleaner, cleans injectors, fuel line and tank
• Contains “clean burn” technology to ensure fuel is burnt clean reducing the risk of
contamination in DPF, EGR etc.
• Contains cetane booster. Boosts cetane level reducing risk of engine knock and pinking
• Contains anti-oxidants to prevent oxidation in the fuel system
• Removes moisture from bio-diesel. Safely carries moisture through the combustion
process reducing the risk of damage to the fuel system especially the fuel pump.
• Has “keep clean” technology. Adds a microscopic coating to prevent re contamination of
tank, fuel lines and injectors.
• Cleans intake valves (intake manifold injection), combustion chamber and exhaust valves
using the ROA-technology.
• Kills micro organisms eliminating the buildup of ‘diesel bug’, a bacteria that can cause
severe damage to the fuel system
• Reduces emissions
• Improves fuel consumption
• Protects, Services and Cleans the whole Fuel System

Quantidade: 200 ml

Informação adicional do produto

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